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Here is the latest golf news and information from The Perfect Tee. (best plastic golf tee accessory) we think will interest you.
Aloha, Jan Lee "
FEATURED GOLF TEE NEWS (Back to the top) - Latest news. |
Comparing The 3" Perfect-Tee Vs Wood Tees
The Perfect Tee, plastic golf tee is a good for golf courses and is a green product. Using the Perfect Tee could save approximately 500,000 trees per year, which are currently used to make wood tees. More...
Save Trees By Using The Perfect Tee
The Perfect Tee, plastic golf tee is a good for golf courses and is a green product. Using the Perfect Tee could save approximately 500,000 trees per year, which are currently used to make wood tees. More...
More Features Of The Three Inch Perfect Tee
The "oversized" 3-inch Perfect-Tee, plastic golf tee works well for golfers and RE/MAX-LDA competitors who use drivers that have larger heads and/or who like to tee their golf ball up high. More...
Stay Tidy with the Perfect Tee
Apart from helping you play better golf, and saving you money in the long run - because it is unbreakable, super-strong aero-space composite material. More...
From Wooden Tees To The Perfect Tee: Evolution of the Golf Tee
Back in the 1700s, golf tees were made from mounds of sand where the golf ball would balance on. The wood golf tee was invented and patented by Dr. William Lowell, a dentist, in 1921 and was called "The Reddy Tee". More...
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