The Perfect Tee: Cost-Effective and Better Than A Wooden Tee

The Perfect Tee is a cost-effective tool and can help you play better golf. The cost over multiple hits is much lower than a wooden tee because it won't break. This brings overall savings, especially to long drivers.

It is easy to set up versus a wooden tee and can really help those in competition since it reduces stress and allows more concentration on the drive.

The Perfect Tee users also report of dramatic increase in inbounds shots and you can adjust your trajectory due to The Perfect Tee's 18% larger head.

But just don't take our word for it, get your own Perfect Tee see for yourself! Visit our Online Order Form.

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ref no:34793
    • The Perfect Tee: Cost-Effective and Better Than A Wooden Tee

    The Perfect Tee: Cost-Effective and Better Than A Wooden Tee

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