Save Trees By Using The Perfect Tee

The Perfect Tee, plastic golf tee is a good for golf courses and is a green product. Using the Perfect Tee could save approximately 500,000 trees per year, which are currently used to make wood tees.

While wood tees are cost less, these are made from slow growing trees which are often harvested from virgin forests. Wood tees are biodegradable but most are painted which slows down the decomposition process.

The Perfect Tee also reduces unsightly wood tee debris left on the tee box, as well as reduces costly damage to lawn mowers. The environment is improved by eliminating the need to cut down trees to make wood golf tees.

To help save trees and improve your game at the same time, try The Perfect Tee for yourself! Purchase it at our Online Order Form that uses safe and secure PayPal.


Perfect Tee Product Shopping Cart
The Perfect Tee online order form to purchase golf tees and accessories

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