• 9/1/2022 - The Perfect Tee Newsletter September 2022
    Get the latest golf news and tips from The Perfect Tee. The best plastic golf tee accessory.
  • 9/5/2022 - Golf Tip For Hitting Straighter Drives
    Where you position the ball relative to your stance affects how well you can hit the ball on the upswing. The driver is designed to be hit on a slight upswing.
  • 9/12/2022 - How to Play Confident Golf
    The Perfect Tee has an oversized head which holds the ball securely and provides a solid launching pad. This gives the golfer more confidence about hitting the ball and ultimately play better golf.
  • 9/19/2022 - How The Perfect Tee Can Speed Up Your Game
    With The Perfect Tee, plastic golf tee, you can be more efficient with your game. It eliminates the need to carry a handful of tees in your pocket. A golfer only has to carry two tees during play.
  • 9/26/2022 - Improve Your Ball Position With The Perfect Tee
    To ensure correct ball positioning, tee up the ball to be just inside your left heel. Make sure the butt of the grip at address is about 6" from your body.

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